Mathematics: IUB Application for a Minor in Math

Mathematics: IUB Application for a Minor in Math

The Department of Mathematics at IU Bloomington offers a minor in Mathematics to complement other majors. While we've made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the requirements indicated on the form below, the official source of information regarding the College of Arts and Sciences minor requirements is the College of Arts and Sciences Academic Bulletin.

Math minor requirement information:
-The math minor requires 16 credit hours in MATH. 100-level courses and K 310 do NOT count in the math minor hours.
-No course outside of MATH can count in the math minor. All minor courses must start with a pre-fix MATH-M, -T or –S and no exceptions are made to this requirement.
-A minimum number of credit hours in the minor must be taken on the IUB campus. Refer to the College bulletin for more information.
-To earn the minor, you must have a minimum 2.000 GPA in all courses taken towards the minor.
-No course with a grade lower than C- will count in the minor hours or toward minor requirements.
-The minor requires at least three MATH-M, -T or –S courses at the 300/400 level equaling at least 9 credit hours.